Monday, October 16, 3:30-4:30pm ONLINE
Register for Professional Development Funding Through CCFA
Did you know as a continuing CCFA faculty member you are eligible for up to $4,000/year to support your professional development? Term faculty are also eligible to apply for a prorated amount! We’ll answer questions like: What’s covered? How do I apply? Come learn more about this wonderful benefit.
Facilitated by Martha McAlister, CCFA PD Fund Committee Chair

Martha McAlister
PD Chair, Camosun College Faculty Association
Martha taught in Health and Human Services for 10 years before becoming an Educational Developer within the Centre for Excellence in Teaching and Learning. As the current chair of the PD committee and member of the CCFA executive, she is dedicated to serving our membership by supporting faculty in meeting their educational goals through access to PD funds.
[…] Wondering what other things you can get funded through Professional Development? Come to our next PD Infosession! […]