PD Guidelines and Forms
Applications for PD funding must be emailed to the CCFA office at ac.nusomac@dp-afcc by 12:00 noon on the Thursday before the PD committee meeting.
Upcoming PD Application Deadlines:
Thursday, February 13, 12:00 noon
Thursday, February 27, 12:00 noon
Thursday, March 13, 12:00 noon
Thursday, March 27, 12:00 noon
Thursday, April 10, 12:00 noon
Thursday, April 24, 12:00 noon
Thursday, May 1, 12:00 noon
Thursday, May 15, 12:00 noon
Thursday, May 22, 12:00 noon
Thursday, June 5, 12:00 noon
Thursday, June 19, 12:00 noon
Professional Development (PD) at Camosun College is a shared responsibility. Faculty members, the College and the CCFA PD Committee play important roles in maintaining and supporting the professional competence of faculty.
The PD Fund is a negotiated right under the CCFA Collective Agreement. Its intent is to support those activities which aid in the process of growing in professional competence of faculty. As these funds are not considered a taxable benefit, they cannot be used toward personal development activities. If you are unclear about whether your activity is considered personal development or professional development, contact the PD Committee representative for your school, the PD Chair or the CCFA Office.
More information about the Collective Agreement language relating to professional development funds can be found in Clause 10.02 of the Local Agreement and Article 16 of the Common Agreement.
When planning a PD program, faculty should be aware of the Collective Agreement provision which relates to faculty development – Clause 10.01 – 10.03. Approval by College Administration does not automatically entitle a faculty member to funding though the PD Committee; nor does approval for funding by the PD Committee ensure College Administration will approve a leave. These are separate matters.
Did you know?
If you have any questions about accessing Professional Development funds, just pick up the phone and call Peg or Eva at 250-370-3655 or email ac.nusomac@dp-afcc! Whether you are a term or continuing faculty member, they’re delighted to help you!