Our current collective agreement expires in less than six months. Yes, the contract we ratified only a year ago is already on its post-retirement contract. Your Contract Negotiations Team (CNC) is well on its way to drafting new language to secure better working conditions for you and your faculty colleagues. From our General Meetings, our Town Halls, and our many hallway conversations with faculty members, we know that our workloads have become untenable, we feel more and more removed from the Administration’s (sometimes puzzling) management decisions, and that the cost of living in one of the most expensive cities in the world continues to skyrocket.
We can change this, but to do so, we need your help.
We need to hear from every faculty member employed by the College. Yes: Every. Single. One.
We want to come to your Department Meeting and take a few minutes (just 15!) to deliver our new bargaining survey. The survey is short and sweet, but it’s critical that we reach as many faculty members as possible. We need to do this in person because this survey marks the beginning of a conversation between you and your Union about your next contract. Talk to your Chair or Program Leader about inviting us or just email the CNC directly with your next meeting date (ac.ytlucafnusomac@gniniagrab) so that we can contact your Chair about attending.
Help secure a better collective agreement for all of us. Invite the CCFA to your next Department meeting! (ac.ytlucafnusomac@gniniagrab)

Michael Stewart
Contract Negotiations Chair, CCFA Executive, Victoria/Lekwungen/W̱SÁNEĆ
Michael Stewart teaches literature, composition, and creative writing in the English Department at Camosun College. He is the former Opinions Editor for rabble.ca, a PhD quitter, and union thug.
Send Us YOUR Content for the Confluence Blog!
This is what we mean when we say that the Confluence Blog is for members, by members. Your colleagues are interested in what you have to say! Contact us or send your article in by College Email. New blog posts can be published daily, accounting for staff availability.
Content submitted must adhere to and abide by the Camosun College Faculty Association Code of Ethics and be presented as a faculty-to-faculty message. Feel free to include images licensed through Creative Commons, that you personally own rights to, or other royalty free open resource images.
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