The Department of English’s Indigenization Working Group is asking for volunteers to help them as they assist in organizing Camosun’s Orange Shirt Day events. Days like the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation are emotionally burdensome days for our Indigenous colleagues and students, so it is important for non-Indigenous allies to take on some of the practical labour when they can.
Email Janet Doherty (ac.nusomac@jytrehod) if you can help with any of the following:
- RIDES FOR ELDERS: Some of the survivors and old ones participating in our gathering will need transportation to and from campus. This would involve picking folks up at their homes and bringing them to campus in time to join us for lunch and/or dropping folks home again following the afternoon gathering.
- GIFTS FOR ELDERS: Part of protocol for this type of gathering is to express gratitude by offering gifts. Do you have any homemade items [Jam? Soap? Pickles? Lavender Bundles? Etc….] that we could include in these gift baskets? This would involve bringing these items up to campus and could also involve helping to make up the baskets the week before if you like.
- PRACTICAL HELP ON THE DAY: This would involve things like setting up and taking down chairs/tables/decorations, noticing who might need kleenex or a blanket during the gathering, that sort of thing…
- SNACKS AND TREATS TO SHARE: We would like to have some baked goods to offer those who attend the afternoon gathering. This would involve making food and bringing it up to campus for midday on Sept 26.
Finally, you may have seen in CamNews that the College is hosting a workshop on Thursday, Sept 26 to explore practical ways of participating in reconciliation throughout the year. If you’d like to participate in this conversation, you can register for the workshop here: Allies Alongside: From Reconciliation to ReconciliAction – LibCal – Camosun College.
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