Hi Members!
Our office staff take their much deserved holidays in the summer while many of you are also away on vacation. During July and August our office hours are reduced due to seasonal staffing availability and PD claim processing may take up to 30 days. Please remember that all PD inquires, including claims should be sent to ac.nusomac@DP-AFCC.
- July 12 – July 21 the office in Young 221, Lansdowne will be closed.
- July 22 – August 12 the office hours are reduced.
However, we know that there’s no vacation from collective agreement disputes so your Contract Management Crew are still on the job! Here’s your first point of contact if you have issues or questions about your rights!
- July 12-19 Lynelle Yutani, ac.ytlucafnusomac@tnediserp
- July 20-31 Dominique Roelants, ac.ytlucafnusomac@arl
- Aug 1-19 Kelly Pitman, ac.nusomac@namtiP
- Aug 20-25 Lynelle Yutani, ac.ytlucafnusomac@tnediserp
- Aug 26-31 Peter Ove, ac.ytlucafnusomac@riahccmc
For many general questions about your rights and benefits a quick search on the website or review of the blog can point you in the right direction. If you’ve already joined our Discord server, you can even chat with us about your questions. Haven’t joined yet? Contact me for an invite!
Happy summer to those of you who are away enjoying your well earned vacation, and my heart overflows with gratitude for all our members who work through the summer to make that possible!
In Solidarity,
– Lynelle Yutani, ac.ytlucafnusomac@tnediserp
Send Us YOUR Content for the Confluence Blog!
This is what we mean when we say that the Confluence Blog is for members, by members. Your colleagues are interested in what you have to say! Contact us or send your article in by College Email. New blog posts can be published daily, accounting for staff availability.
Content submitted must adhere to and abide by the Camosun College Faculty Association Code of Ethics and be presented as a faculty-to-faculty message. Feel free to include images licensed through Creative Commons, that you personally own rights to, or other royalty free open resource images.
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