Update from Martha McAlister, Chair of the PD Committee.
Though still not up to pre-Covid levels, the PD committee continues to see an increase in applications, with more faculty travelling again and taking advantage of some very interesting learning opportunities. We recognize the application process can be challenging for some faculty, particularly if you haven’t done it in a while. It also can be very labour intensive for CCFA office staff (kudos to Peg and Laurence!) and for the PD committee, depending on how carefully the applications are filled out. We continue to look for ways to make the process more efficient for all of us.
To that end, beginning April 1, 2023, applications for PD funding must be emailed to the CCFA office by noon on the Friday before the PD committee meeting. We hope this will allow the office staff and the committee a bit more time to review the applications, and minimize the need for follow up. As always, the more accurate and thorough you can make your application, the easier it is for us to process it in a timely manner for you. Our aim is to make sure you get the financial support that is available to you to pursue your professional development goals!
You can find the Schedule for PD Meetings and all of the PD Application Forms on our website!

Martha McAlister
PD Chair, Camosun College Faculty Association
Martha taught in Health and Human Services for 10 years before becoming an Educational Developer within the Centre for Excellence in Teaching and Learning. As the current chair of the PD committee and member of the CCFA executive, she is dedicated to serving our membership by supporting faculty in meeting their educational goals through access to PD funds.
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