Academic Freedom | Monday, March 20th@1pm PT
Although academic freedom is protected under most collective agreements, its use and scope is poorly understood on college and university campuses. This panel will survey a wide variety of examples where academic freedom has been infringed, and explore why faculty are often reluctant to exercise these rights. Discussion will focus on what constitutes academic freedom, its unique history within the academy, and its importance to the advancement of knowledge, creative expression, and the healthy functioning of civil society.
2023 FPSE Human Rights and International Solidarity Speakers Tour The FPSE Human Rights and International Solidarity Committee is proud to present the 2023 edition of the annual Speakers Tour, which will focus on international students and academic freedom. |
FPSE-BC’s Human Rights and International Solidarity Committee (HRISC) is hosting our second of two Speakers Tour 2023 Panel discussions. On March 3rd our focus was on International Students in Canada; and on March 20th we will be focusing on Academic Freedom. We hope you can join us online on Monday, March 20th @1pm PT.

Monday, March 20th, @1pm PST – REGISTER HERE: 2023 FPSE Human Rights and International Solidarity Speakers Tour
For media or other inquiries:
Contact: Alexandra Phillips (FPSE-HRISC, Local 22) Co-moderator
Contact: Sheena Svitich (FPSE-HRISC, Local 06) Co-moderator
Contact: Joel Blok (FPSE-BC, Admin Coordinator) 604-873-8988 Federation of Post-Secondary Educators of B.C. (FPSE-HRISC)
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