Submitted by Martha McAlister, Professional Development Committee Chair
Did you know that ALL CCFA faculty members have access to funding for professional development activities? Below are some general highlights, but you will find detailed guidelines and all the forms on the CCFA website. Contact Martha McAlister, the Chair of the CCFA PD Committee (ac.nusomac@mretsilacm), or Peg and Eva in the CCFA office at ac.nusomac@DP-AFCC for guidance with the process. And consider attending our upcoming CCFA PD Info Session, October 24 at noon.
Eligibility and Types of Funds
Both Term and Continuing faculty are eligible for up to $4,000 (or a prorated amount) per fiscal year (April 1 through March 31) to support a wide range of learning opportunities such as: attending discipline conferences (online and/or with travel), subscriptions/ materials, or professional membership renewal. We also have funds available to support long term PD activities that take longer than 2 months and cost more than $4,000, such as pursuing your Masters or PhD degree. In addition, there are funds for activities we call “pre-approved” that don’t come out of your individual allotment, such as pursuing the Provincial Instructor Diploma Program (PIDP).
PD Funding Application Process
- Did you know that less than 5% of applications are submitted correctly? Peg and Eva in the CCFA office and PD committee end up having to do A LOT of extra work tracking down required details. We are currently working on developing an easier process, but meanwhile PLEASE make sure you understand eligibility, deadlines, and carefully follow the process, using the correct/most current form off the CCFA website. (E.g. when your rationale or your budget is not clear, or there is not enough information, or you did not include approvals, you risk having the application returned.)
- After completing the form (using the checklist to ensure you haven’t missed anything), email it to your chair and designated exempt leader (dean, associate dean, or director) for their “approval in principle” of your application. Note: they are not the final step of approvals – it is the CCFA PD committee that gives final approval. Save a PDF copy of their emails that say they approve. Convert your application to a PDF, attach the PDF of the approval emails to the same document, and follow the instructions on the website.
- Submit your completed PDF application, with any other supporting information, as one document, to the CCFA office at ac.nusomac@DP-AFCC. If it is received by the deadline, the committee will review it at their next meeting (we meet every two weeks). NOTE: Our deadlines are firm – we are VERY busy! (See upcoming application deadlines here.) Remember, it is your responsibility to submit the application to the CCFA office, not the responsibility of your chair or exempt leader.
- After the committee meets, you will be notified if your application has been approved. Following your activity/purchase, you can submit receipts, to ac.nusomac@DP-AFCC using the instructions they will send you at that time.
- All applications and requests for reimbursement must be received before the end of the fiscal year (for PD that is March 31). Our goal is to support you to pursue life-long learning. This is a wonderful benefit that we hope you will take advantage of!
We are looking forward to seeing your applications!

Martha McAlister
PD Chair, Camosun College Faculty Association
Martha taught in Health and Human Services for 10 years before becoming an Educational Developer within the Centre for Excellence in Teaching and Learning. As the current chair of the PD committee and member of the CCFA executive, she is dedicated to serving our membership by supporting faculty in meeting their educational goals through access to PD funds.
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