Welcome to the new look of the CCFA website. Like many grand undertakings, this project has taken longer than we wanted, and we still have quite a ways to go before we’re satisfied. The framework is up, and over the next while, we’ll be working to ensure that all essential information has been converted to our new website. In the meantime, we welcome your comments and suggestions for improving this site and making it more and more user-friendly. The Union recently moved our hosting services away from Telus. Working with Supa Design a local, socially-minded web design and hosting company, we hope to create a website that provides members added benefits and new ways to engage with each other.
Working with a local host has also made it easier for us to offer you new features like Post Commenting which will enable you to engage in discussions with your peers about articles and announcements posted here. New, subscription-style updates should give your inboxes some relief, and someday allow you to manage what and when you receive updates and notifications. We are focused on a final product that has easier menu navigation, more mobile-friendly layouts, and high accessibility grades. Later, we hope to introduce Contributor Memberships for those of you keen to blog in the Confluence (formerly our newsletter).
You can help by telling us how we are doing, what you’d like to see more of, and what you don’t like. It might take us a while, but we know you’ll be pleased with the final result!
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