How much do you know about the College’s Policy Development Process? Surprised to learn that there is one? As a step towards reasserting faculty’s role in collegial governance, I’ve worked to promote the opportunities faculty have to provide feedback on Policy, Strategic Planning, and Educational Initiatives. It’s important that as many of us as possible provide quality feedback – especially with something as far-reaching as Academic Concessions.
The College has committed to opening up draft policies for review by the College community prior to final approval to ensure that they’ve heard from everyone.
Draft policies and directives open for feedback typically for 2 weeks before they begin to move through the Ed Approvals process and get approved by the Board of Governors. It’s very difficult to alter them once they are no longer considered “draft,” so it is important for us ALL to participate. Many stakeholders have contributed along the way, and already have provided feedback – some Chairs, and faculty members, and even the Union Execs.
Policies like this affect every faculty member, they have the potential to affect our workload, our academic freedom, and educational philosophy. Don’t ignore this opportunity to have your say!
Academic Concessions Policy
The Academic Concessions Policy seeks to articulate Camosun College’s commitment to supporting students who encounter a personal emergency or an uncontrollable extenuating circumstance that interferes with their ability to complete term work.
- E-1.18 Academic Concessions Policy DRAFT (PDF)
- E-1.18.1 Standards and Requirements for the Provision of an Academic Concession DRAFT (PDF)
- E-1.18.2 Academic Concession Request Form DRAFT (PDF)
Click here to provide your feedback once you have reviewed the documents above.
If you’ve read our other posts on Academia & Education you know how crucial it is for every single faculty member to participate whenever possible to ensure we protect and maintain the collaborative and collegial working environments that colleges are supposed to be.

Lynelle Yutani (she/they)
President, Camosun College Faculty Association
Lynelle is a queer, leftist rabble-rouser galvanized to guard the rights of union members and is on a crusade to convince you that you get out of your Union what you put into it. Lynelle serves on Presidents Council of the Federation of Post-Secondary Educators (FPSE) and was elected to FPSE Executive as a Member-at-Large. She is on a number of FPSE affiliate committees, including the 2SLGBTQIA+ and Racialized Workers Caucuses for the BC Fed, and is active in the Victoria Labour Congress. Lynelle also serves as V.P. of her Strata Council & oversees a rooftop community garden which partners with Harvest & Share Food Aid Society to grow fresh produce for local foodbanks and community food security programs.
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